The Daffodils are Blooming!

by Mar 10, 2021Education/Training, In the Garden1 comment




“The study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, 

especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life.”


Last fall a neighbor gave me some daffodil bulbs and I planted them. They stayed covered up all winter and about a week ago they started to appear. The beautiful thing about bulbs is they seem to break through the soil, always a surprise to me, in the midst of freezing nights and warm days here in New Mexico.  I love the appearance of the bulbs green leaves showing up  – such a delightful promise that warmer days are on their way.  


I’ve studied companion planting for years, in fact got the book Carrots Love Tomatoes, years ago and make it a point to grow vegetable friends close to each other in my garden.  This year when I read the article in The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Phenology in the Garden by Robin Sweetser I was delighted by her observation of phenology and how it can help guide my planting schedule.  


When I read Robin’s blog, I was excited to discover, now that my daffodils are blooming, it’s the perfect time to plant beets, carrots and chard. These half-hardy vegetables like the same weather conditions that daffodils do. Thank you Mother Nature. 


I’m excited to use the greening up of my yard and the neighbor’s blooming trees and bushes to help guide me as I start planting my garden this year.  Check out Robin’s blog for more information.


I’ll be seeding my tomatoes, chili, eggplant and peppers soon. I start them in-doors with a clear plastic cover over them to hold the moisture close to the delicate seeds as they germinate. Once they establish their first true leaves, I’ll transplant them to individual cups where I’ll keep them watered in the hoop house until the last average frost which is May 15th in my area, has passed.  


Oh, I do love gardening!


1 Comment

  1. Lily Andrews

    You do such a great job on your newsletter, loved this article Barbara. I’m excited to garden. Michael gave me a greenhouse for Christmas & he has been preparing the ground for it. We had to move two large flowering bushes (transplanted them to my daughters house) to have a place for it. I started my little saved seeds indoors recently. I’m excited for this gardening season to begin! I’m going to get the Carrots love Tomatoes book. Thank you for sharing such great info!


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