When It Feels Good…

by Jul 13, 2020Coaching2 comments

I asked my wellness coach this week if she could recommend one book, one class, one — something — that could help me improve my experience as a valued coach, what would she recommend?

I loved her answer. In her very thoughtful, clear, and quiet voice she said, “Learn to trust your Inner Guidance. When it feels good, know It’s speaking to you.”

I invite you to consider this wise counsel: when you are moving through your day, looking for what to do next, should I take this course, attend this meeting, clean the house, reach out to a friend, take this trip, etc., etc., etc. — pause a moment and ask, “What feels good?” or perhaps “What would feel a little better than this?” or even “How do I feel about this?”

My experience is that when I pause, check in with myself and ask these simple questions, life moves forward more easily. Ideas percolate up that I have been blocking.

Imagine for a moment that you could connect with the “fun” in even the most mundane tasks. Really, how much fun can you have brushing your teeth?  It’s like having an attitude of gratitude – things just go better when we look at the bright side of life.

I love the quote from The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, By W.H. Murray, published by J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. 1951:

“When one is committed…

All sorts of  things

occur to help one  that  would never otherwise have

occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the

decision, raising in  one’s  favour  all  manner of

unforeseen incidents and meetings and material

assistance, which  no  man  could have dreamt

would come his way”

When did we start to believe that unless we work hard, with nose to the grindstone, and do this at least 40-60 hours a week we could not be happy, abundant, and prosperous?

I’m reminded of our  Declaration Of Independence which contains these words:  “…that all of us have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

How are you pursuing happiness? What would your life be like if you committed to being happy, filled with joy, having fun and you trusted your inner guidance?

I’d love to hear your experience. Comment below!


  1. Darlene R Hess

    Such a nice, inspiring, heartfelt series of excerpts about happiness, following your Inner Guidance, clarity, and having fun. Awesome newsletter.

    • Barbara Dawson

      Thank you, Darlene. I appreciate you.


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