Many people enjoy getting our newsletter because we make the information relevant to the health topics our readers enjoy. If you click on theh links here, you can see samples of our latest newsletters. If you like what you see, please join our email list. We typically send out a new topic newsletter about once a month.


December Newsletter:

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September Newsletter:

  • Healthy Habits and Weight Loss
  • When to Hire a Coach
  • Balance for Your Belly
  • Gift – Weekly Food Diary
  • In the Garden — Fermenting
  • Read More

May’s Newsletter includes:

  • the branding of our newsletter
  • a random drawing gift certificate for photo feedback
  • a tour around our garden
  • read more

November Newsletter:

  • Skin Care
  • Coaching – Self Care
  • Nutrienting the soil/the cells
  • Root crop recipe
  • read more

August Newsletter:

  • A Kiss Isn’t Just a Kiss
  • Coaching
  • Probiotics for Your Mouth
  • Fermenting Chile
  • read more

October’s Newsletter includes:

  • brain health article
  • fermenting food
  • new brain health product
  • wild yeast sourdough bread
  • read more

July’s Newsletter focusus on

  • An Adventure Through Your Glorious Gut
  • a successfull coaching example
  • product highlight for digestive enzymes
  • how to make you own probiotics in the kitchen
  • a free ebook – Your Gut Matters
  • read more